Monday, May 21, 2012

Top 2 ways on dealing with your ex-spouse's remarriage and the new blended family

blended family and remarriage advice
You have remarried, you and your ex-spouse are getting along, your blended family looks great and finally getting the hang of your new family set-up. Then one day, your kids tell you, your ex-spouse is getting remarried, what do you do and how do you react.

Sensitive issues like this should never be sent through your children, but if its already done, then you have to face it first hand. Now, your worries would be, how your kids will accept it and how they would react to it? Since you have moved on from your past relationship, you do not have to do much on yourself, focus on your kids. Here are some tips:

  1. Gauge how your kids feel, ask them if they are okay with your ex's remarriage, if not talk to them about it and be as open as possible. Reassure them of your and your ex's love for them, be positive. Share with them, how you feel after your remarriage and how happy you have become and your ex would be.
  2. Never talk negatively about your ex-spouse specially in front of your kids. This rule also applies to your ex's new to be spouse and their marriage. If this happens, your kids may have to go through choosing sides, and it will not be good for their coping up with the situation.

Although you may feel something because of your ex's remarriage, you now have to focus on more important things. Making sure that your blended family is well taken care of is one, and making your kids accept the fact that both their parents now have new spouses. The Blended and Step Family Resource Center, can help. Coaching and blended family advice can help you throughout the process of your ex-spouse's remarriage.

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